The Club

The NUS (National University of Singapore) Nihon Buyô Club is a student-run interest club established in 1990 and is a sub-club of the NUS Japanese Studies Society. The Club provides NUS students the opportunity to experience and be exposed to one aspect of Japanese traditional performing art that combines choreography with music and costume.
Nihon Buyô, otherwise known as Japanese dance derived from Kabuki theatre, bears significant differences to the more commonly known Western/non-Asian dance forms. Members of the NUS Nihon Buyô Club learn the fundamental principles of traditional Japanese dance as well as the manipulation of various dance props. Though the practice of Nihon Buyô, they develop an understanding of the aesthetics, philosophy and various artistic symbolisms featured in traditional Japanese dance and theatre.
Apart from dance, the Club offers members an all-rounded experience in Japanese culture, with lessons in basic etiquette and related Japanese terms, as well as instruction on wearing the yukata and other costume apparel. The Club also engages in performances within and outside the University. Such performances include school cultural fairs, private company functions, commercial cultural fairs, and promotions, as well as large-scale roadshows. Amidst the hype and relative accessibility and ubiquity of Japanese popular culture, the Club hopes to serve as an avenue for exposure to traditional Japanese aesthetics and performing art, through which one may also gain discipline and self-achievement.
Our Sensei

Ms. Onoe Kikusui (尾上菊水)
Professional Nihon Buyô Instructor
based in Yokohama, Japan